Articles and Tools Library 2023


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Articles and Tools Library 2023

Product Description: 

The 2023 Articles and Tools Library represents all current AF articles that have been published in booklet form and related tools. Each year, the Articles and Tools Library is updated and republished. By signing up for the Articles and Tools Library free subscription, you will have access to the new content added each year.

The Articles and Tools library is also available on a flash drive. Call to order your free Articles and Tools Library.


Articles and Tools Library 2023 Preview


Finance, Accounting, and Taxes

Clean Records - Greg Wolf
What Do the Numbers Mean? - Larry Troyer
The Five C's of Credit - Nevin Beiler
Farming Taxation - Jacob M. Dietz
Business Taxation - Donald Sauder

Business Leadership

Visionary Leadership - Myron Miller
Strategic Leadership - Myron Miller
Leading With Love - Ray Troyer
Leading With Humility - Larry Troyer
Being a Leader of Integrity - Merle Burkholder

Business Startup and Planning

Annual Strategic Plan - Greg Wolf
Building a Budget - Larry Troyer
Long-Term Strategy - Greg Wolf
Planning Cost and Pricing - Larry Troyer
Strategic Thinking and Planning - David Sauder/Merle Herr
Owning Your Own Business - Richard Shank
Just Plain Speculation - James Landis
Pricing Strategies - Donald J. Sauder, CPA
Humility and Hard work - Wade Myers
The Entrepreneurial Vision - Wayne Wengerd
The Ideal Company - Wade Myers

Biblical Principles of Business and Work

The Widgeter’s Shift - Doug Ramer
Business As Mission - Jason Schrock

Business Governance and Transitions

Family Business Agreements - Paul A. Miller
Going Til You’re Gone - Gary Miller
Buy-Sell Agreements - Leonard Meador
Tutoring Your Successor - Richard Shank

Business Communications

The Habits of an Effective Team - Gary Paul Miller

Business Agreements

Anabaptist Business and the Law - Tyler Hochstetler, Esq.

For Employees

Employee Management and Relations

Fully Engaged Employees - Dale Martin


Creating a Transparent Culture - Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, Patricia Ward Biederman
Keeping a Business Vow - Crown Financial Ministries

Business Operations

Sales and Marketing

Advanced Sales Techniques - Rodney Martin
Copywriting that Sells - Caleb Crider
Effective Salespeople - Rodney Martin
Everyone in Sales - Paul Landis
Good Customer Service - Atlee Raber
Marketing Your Products - Atlee Raber
New Product Innovation - Leon Wengerd
The Marketing Toolbox - Atlee Raber

Sales and Marketing

Business Startup and Planning

Strategic Planning Guide - Nevin Beiler, Julian Coblentz, Caleb Crider, Kent Lapp, Leland Ulrich
Starting Your Own Business - Esh, Herr, Myers, Randolph, and Wengerd

Employee Management and Relations

Employee Management - Jones, LeCouvie, Martin, Kliska, McClure, Myers, and Ramer


Business Articles - Anabaptist Financial

Finance, Accounting, and Taxes

Accounting, Taxes, and Financial Statements - Beiler, Dietz, Martin, Sauder, and Troyer

Employee Management and Relations


Sales and Marketing

Marketing Calculator - Anabaptist Financial

Finance, Accounting, and Taxes

Financial Ratio Calculator - Anabaptist Financial