Going Til You’re Gone


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Going Til You’re Gone

Gary Miller
SKU: 8124
Business Governance and Transitions
Product Description: 

Good businessmen are known for strategizing and planning for the future. But how much thought have you given to the final years of your life? This session will encourage us to give thought to how we will use our time and resources during those years. It is also a call for those of us who are older to passionately lead the way for those who are younger. To demonstrate by our lives what it means to have a Kingdom-focused vision all the way to the finish line.

Author(s) Details: 

GARY MILLER is from Caldwell, Idaho, and has authored various books, including “It’s Not Your Business.” He directs the SALT program under Christian Aid Ministries, working in impoverished countries to help people start or expand small businesses.


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