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Articles for Deacons, Financial Advisors, and Trustees

En nuestras iglesias creemos que es nuestro deber ofrecer consejo y apoyo a los miembros que se hallan en dificultades económicas.

Lyle Musser

A budget can be a primary tool to get those in financial distress back on track.

Gary Miller

What is shaping your community’s vision? What is the source for your vision? Vision determines what we perceive as normal and desirable.

Richie Lauer

As a church leader, trustee, or advisor, your call to serve often takes time, wisdom, and energy to solve problems you didn’t create.

Joel Martin

How do we stabilize a deteriorating financial situation in the church?

The burden of debt can be likened to a hole in the ground, creating an unsightly blemish on life's landscape. Those who dug the hole often despise it, but simply do not know how to deal with it....

Gary Miller

Debt has advantages when used appropriately, but that same debt can be a dangerous and destructive animal.

Joel Martin

Our first instinct at helping those in financial distress might be to gasp at their poor judgement and map out rigid guidelines.

Gary Miller

As a leader, where would you like to see your community go? Your community’s vision will influence its decisions.

Richie Lauer

Mutual aid is a collaborative way for a brotherhood to bear each other’s burdens, thus fulfilling the law of Christ.

Tim Thomas

Historically, our mutual aid plans have been a shining light of true brotherhood. Are our mutual aid plans still the lights they used to be?

Marvin Wengerd

Restoration is one of the most beautiful words in life. It carries a message of hope, healing, and love.

Amos Kauffman

The world and everything in it was first made for God’s pleasure. But our God is also a generous God, and He graciously gives us the privilege to use and enjoy His things.

Marvin Wengerd

Working with people in financial difficulty is often challenging and complex; usually there are deep personal and spiritual issues mixed in.

Joel Martin

How do you hold someone accountable who is struggling financially? How do you deal with setbacks? When do you need to ask an advisor or a trustee to come in and help?

Gary Miller

In the area of finances and possessions, are we Anabaptists living differently than our surrounding culture? What are the underlying issues of financial problems?

Marvin Wengerd

You’ve heard it said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Not all situations are “caught” in time to prevent them.

Richie Lauer

What does the call to stewardship involve? Often we think of it in terms of money and possessions. But what about being my brother’s keeper?

David G. Martin

A deacon’s work would be easier if there was a book called “The Complete Guide to Being a Good Deacon” with detailed instructions on what to do in every situation that comes up.