Making Eternal Investments: Having a Single Eye


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Making Eternal Investments: Having a Single Eye

Tim Thomas
SKU: 9009
Product Description: 

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said we should “lay up treasures in heaven.” One of the next things Jesus says is, “if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” A “single eye” was a well understood idiom in those days that referred to how we respond to needs we see. On the other hand, an “evil eye” referred to being stingy towards the needs of others. Jesus then compares this to an “evil eye” which is another idiom that referred to how we respond to needs we see. The burden of this topic is to call our people to have an awareness of the needs around us and respond to them in the way Jesus would have.

Speaker(s) Details: 

Pickens, SC

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