Resources from Anabaptist Financial

Download the 2025 Stewardship Resources Catalog

Anabaptist Financial provides financial education that is consistent with conservative Anabaptist belief and values. We intend to provide families and businesspeople with teaching on stewardship principles that inspires and transforms our attitudes and practices regarding the management of our God-given resources. In this catalog, you will find business articles, seminar recordings, business management tools, family finance budgeting tools, and other resources covering areas of business and financial stewardship.

For a full list of resources for business, visit our Resources for Business.

Employee Seminar recording

Character Contributions to Company Culture

David Whitaker

Ohio Employee Seminar 2024

The culture of the workplace directly affects the performance of the team. Every employee has the power to contribute to their workplace culture in a way that makes their culture attractive. In this session, we will discuss the character and behaviors that build a Christian culture.

Employee Seminar recording

Embracing Change

David Miller

Ohio Employee Seminar 2024

Change . . . do we support it? Or do we just go along with it? Making changes in the workplace can be challenging. Choosing to be a supporter of change instead of reluctantly accepting it can have a positive impact on the outcome.

Employee Seminar recording

Workplace and the Physically Challenged

Ivan J. Miller

Ohio Employee Seminar 2024

Have you ever imagined going to work in a wheelchair or other handicap and working with able-bodied people? Can this be a win-win for both the handicap, the able-bodied person, and the company that you work for?

Employee Seminar recording

Customer Service: “Is the Customer Always Right?”

Jacob Miller

Ohio Employee Seminar 2024

As a customer service representative, your goal is to help your customer solve his issue. You need to act professionally, be patient, and listen. Know your boundaries within the company and what you can or cannot do for the customer. Issues will occur, how you manage them is what matters.

Employee Seminar recording

Why Work?

Marcus Yoder

Ohio Employee Seminar 2024

Does how we approach our jobs and vocations matter? Does our Anabaptist history have anything to teach us about work and how we view it? This topic will look at our history, values, and approach to work.

Business Seminar recording

Question and Answer Panel Discussion by Speakers, 2024 Millersburg, OH

Ohio Business Seminar 2024

In this session, the speakers will field questions from the audience. Questions will be submitted throughout the day and screened by the committee. A moderator will facilitate the panel and, if time allows, solicit verbal questions from the audience.

Business Seminar recording

Bean Counting: The Art of Manual Bookkeeping, Part 2

Jason Yoder

Ohio Business Seminar 2024

Here we will pick up where we left off in Part 1 and dive deeper into manual bookkeeping systems such as the Dome Bookkeeping Record and the popular One-Write Check system. We will also discuss methods of taking numbers from your books and putting them together into simple easy-to-read reports that you can use to…

Business Seminar recording

Customer Service: “A Key to Loyal Relationships”

Jacob Miller

Ohio Business Seminar 2024

Customer service is more than providing solutions to problems. Professionalism, patience, and a people-first attitude are at the heart of creating a positive experience that builds loyal relationships. Analyze feedback and create solutions to prevent future problems. It will differentiate your business from your competition.


For a full list of resources for families, visit our Resources for Family Finance.

Family Finance article

Surviving Prosperity as a Church

Can our churches survive the gales of consumerism, materialism, and instant gratification that comes with prosperity? How does the influence of Pietism and Fundamentalism affect our ability to survive as a church? This is the last and final article of a 4-part series on Surviving Prosperity.


Do What Is Right

Correcting your mistakes can be hard. Thankfully for Amos, his father was a good role model in doing what was right.

Family Finance article

Proactive Leadership

We desire that our churches demonstrate Jesus to our local communities through our businesses and use of material resources. We want our daily lives, our purchasing choices, and our business operations to provide a beautiful and compelling picture of Christianity to our unbelieving neighbors. Yet every church leader I have talked to admits there’s much…

Family Finance article

Surviving Prosperity as a Business

Will our communities survive prosperity? The answer to this question does not lie entirely with business owners. But how business owners conduct their businesses will either help or hinder our survival of prosperity. This is the third in a series of four articles on surviving prosperity as a family, business, and church.

Am I My Brother's Keeper cover

Am I My Brother’s Keeper

This fun children’ book helps your children realize the importance of helping one another. This is book three of four.

Family Finance article

Surviving Prosperity as a Family

So, can our families spiritually survive prosperity? When we study the Scriptures and all the promises therein, it is plain to see that it is possible. But it won’t be easy. Our family values and lifestyles need to be based upon Biblical values, not merely on accepted practices within the world or even one’s community….

Family Finance article

Surviving Prosperity

Exactly what is prosperity, and why do many of us who are concerned about our heritage refer to it in a negative way? Is prosperity bad? This is the first in a series of four articles on surviving prosperity as a family, business, and church.

Family Finance article

A Vision for Stewardship in the Church Community

Churches are groups of people called to work together while following Jesus. Does your church have a clear vision of where you want to go and what you are trying to accomplish? If so, does it align with God’s vision? What does God want your church to achieve?


For a full list of resources for deacons and trustees, visit our Resources for Deacons & Trustees.

deacons and trustees recording

Trust – Don’t Leave Without It

Wyatt Pegg

Oregon Deacons Seminar 2024

Your capacity to influence those you lead breaks down if you lose one critical component—trust. How is trust lost? What happens when we lose it? How can we regain trust? We will explore the pillars of trust and some practical things you can do when trust is threatened.

deacons and trustees recording

Peacemaking in the Brotherhood

Wyatt Pegg

Oregon Deacons Seminar 2024

When tensions mount and imaginations run high, peace disappears. In its place move suspicion and conflict. However, when God has one or two peacemakers in a church or family, the devil usually doesn’t get his way. How could God use me to bring a peaceful outcome? Or is separation the only option when conflict is…

deacons and trustees recording

The Role of the Deacon

Carl Heatwole

Virginia Deacons Seminar 2024

Is handling church funds the only role of a deacon? What place does a deacon have in relationships within the church and within the ministry team, particularly when there is a conflict?

deacons and trustees recording

Time Stewardship

Glenn Miller

Pennsylvania Deacons Seminar 2024

We often think of money when we talk about stewardship. But stewardship is much broader than that. The Bible speaks of “redeeming the time.” How can we be a steward of our time?

deacons and trustees recording

The Troubled and Hurting Among Us – Rethinking the Role of the Church

Marvin Wengerd

Pennsylvania Deacons Seminar 2024

Has the church paid a price by sending our troubled, hurting people to Anabaptist institutions rather than engaging in the heavy personal work these people need? What if the church were to see itself as primary caregivers? What part of our beliefs and focus may need to change? Can the church develop the vision, knowledge,…

deacons and trustees recording

Joy in Serving

Mervin Allgyer

Pennsylvania Deacons Seminar 2024

All of us are called to serve;some are called to serve as a church leader, while others might serve on a trustee committee. How do we find joy while carrying the weight of responsibility that comes with serving?

deacons and trustees recording

How Much Debt is Too Much Debt?

Ben Stoltzfus

Pennsylvania Deacons Seminar 2024

Is there something like too much “good debt”? We use debt as a tool to start a business or buy an asset that appreciates. Can we ever use good debt for wrong motives?

deacons and trustees recording

Helping People Recognize and Admit Their Needs

Marvin Wengerd

Pennsylvania Deacons Seminar 2024

Most troubled people long for change – a transformation. Why then are they so stuck in the mire of blindness and resistance? How can we help pull them toward victory, relational peace, and fruitfulness?
